This is the first race in the Tar Heel Youth Triathlon series. Held at the Homestead Aquatic Center, a public facility operated by the Town of Chapel Hill. The swim takes place in the HAC’s 10-lane 25-yard pool using a time-trial start format. After completing the swim, kids run to the transition area, which is located in the HAC parking lot and get their bikes to begin a one or two-loop bike course primarily through quiet streets in the Vineyard Square neighborhood. After returning their bikes to the transition area, kids run either one or two loops around the paths in Homestead Park, and finish in front of the HAC. All finishers receive a finisher medal. Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 male and female in each age group (6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15).
Race Location:
Homestead Aquatic Center, 300 Northern Park Drive, Chapel Hill
Entry Fee:
$55 until 5/9/19; $65 from 5/10/19 until 6/8/19 or until capacity is reached
*Please note that Kids Tri NC has a no refunds policy.*
Packet Pickup
Saturday, June 8, 2019 from 3-6pm at Fleet Feet CARRBORO (300 E. Main St.).
Sunday, June 9, 2019 from 6:30-7:30am at the race site (Homestead Aquatic Center).
No race day registration.
Race Numbers
- Bike number (large sheet with two numbers and adhesive on the back) – Should be affixed to the top tube of the bike and clearly visible.
- Helmet number (small number with adhesive on the back) – Should be affixed to the front of the bike helmet.
- Run number (large number with holes and no adhesive) — Can be attached to a number belt or affixed with safety pins to the shirt that will be worn during the run portion of the race – DO NOT wear this number during the swim! It is okay to wear this number during the bike portion but it is not required.
Race Morning Arrival
Please arrive early, especially if you need to pick up your child’s race packet. You will need to allow plenty of time to park, set up in the transition area, get body marked and pick up your child’s timing chip prior to the race. Even if your child is age 6 to 10 and is racing short course (approximate 9am start time), you must arrive in time to set up and be out of the transition area by 7:30am.
A limited number of parking spaces will be available in the Homestead Aquatic Center parking lot. There will be overflow parking available in the UNC Employee Lot R3 on the corner of Homestead Road and Martin Luther King Blvd. Please stay on the sidewalk when walking from the parking lot to the Aquatic Center.
Transition Area
The transition area will be located at the far end of the Homestead Aquatic Center parking lot. Bike racks will be labeled with numbers corresponding to athlete numbers. Please park your bike or place on the rack corresponding to your number.
There is limited space in the transition area so please place only what you need for the race by your bike. All extra gear and bags must be either given to a parent or placed safely out of the way of other athletes.
IMPORTANT: Parents will be allowed in the transition area to help kids set up but MAY NOT enter the transition area after 7:30am or during the race! There will be volunteers in the transition area to assist the athletes during the race.
Participants will line up according the published start order. The start order will be determined based on the 100 yard swim time provided at registration (fastest to slowest). Participants will start every 15 seconds (“time trial” style) and swim one length of the pool, cross under the lane rope into the next lane, swim back the other direction, cross under the lane rope into the next lane, and continue this pattern until the designated distance is reached (a total of 4 lengths for 100 yard short course swimmers and a total of 8 lengths for 200 yard long course swimmers). Upon completion, participants will exit the pool through the side door and proceed to the transition area, where they will locate their bike, put on their helmet, shoes, and any other clothing needed, before exiting the transition area with their bike UNMOUNTED.
After exiting the transition area, participants will walk or run their bikes up the marked path to the Vineyard Square neighborhood to the designated MOUNT LINE where they can get on their bikes. Volunteers will also be stationed here to let participants know when they can get on their bikes.
They will follow the marked course through the neighborhood. Volunteers will be stationed along the course to direct the participants. Police will also be present on the course to control traffic and help ensure the safety of the athletes. Note that short course participants will complete ONE LOOP of the bike course and long course participants will complete TWO LOOPS.
Upon completion of the course, participants will dismount their bikes at the DISMOUNT LINE and run or walk their bikes back down the path to the transition area where they will place their bikes in their designated space (the same space as where they started).
Participants will then change into clothes and/or shoes for the run and must be sure they are wearing their run number.
They will exit the transition area and follow the marked course to the Homestead Park path and will make a complete loop through the park. Volunteers will be stationed along the course to direct participants. One aid station providing cups of water will be located along the run course. Note that short course participants will complete ONE LOOP of the run course and long course participants will complete TWO LOOPS.
Upon completion of the course, participants will run through the finish line in front of the Aquatic Center!!!
Race Day Schedule
6:30am: Race day packet pickup
6:45am: Transition area opens, body marking and timing chip pickup available
7:15am: Race day packet pickup ends
7:45am: Transition closes
7:45am: Pre-race briefing – At front entrance of Homestead Aquatic Center
8:00am: Race begins – Long Course (Ages 11 through 15) will start first – Please line up 5 to 10 minutes prior to your start time
9:00am: Approximate start for Short Course (Ages 6 through 10) – Please line up 5 to 10 minutes prior to your start time
10:30am: Estimated time that last participant will finish
10:45am: Estimated time for awards
1. Does my child have to be an annual member of USA Triathlon (USAT) in order to race?
No, your child does not have to be a member of USAT in order to race. However, if he or she is not a member, an annual membership must be purchased at a cost of $10. This must be paid at the time of registration. If your child is an annual member of USAT, his or her membership card must be presented at packet pickup. If the card is not presented, the $10 membership fee must be paid before the packet/race numbers can be issued. Please do not ask the volunteers at packet pickup to make exceptions.
2. Is my child required to have a certain kind of bike?
No. Any type of bike is fine. However, please ensure that the bike is in good working order, brakes function properly and the bike fits properly, i.e., the child can reach the pedals without overextending their legs, they can stand over the bike comfortably, can brake properly and otherwise handle the bike safely.
Please note: As per USAT youth rules, "Only standard drop, straight, or curved handlebars are allowed. No aero or time trial bars may be attached to the bike or used during competition. No disk wheels or wheel covers are allowed."
3. Can my child use training wheels?
No, training wheels are not permitted.
4. What is the transition area?
This is the area where the athletes will place their bikes and other gear prior to the race, and where they will change clothes and equipment in between the swim and bike portions of the race and in between the bike and run portions of the race. PARENTS WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE TRANSITION AREA BEFORE THE START OF THE RACE TO ASSIST THEIR CHILDREN IN SETTING UP THEIR EQUIPMENT. AFTER THE RACE STARTS, ONLY PARTICIPANTS ARE ALLOWED IN THE TRANSITION AREA AT ANY TIME. Volunteers will be stationed in the transition area to assist athletes during the race.
The transition area will have two entrances/exits:
Swim Finish/Bike Finish
Bike Start/Run Start
All participants will have a bike rack with a number range that corresponds with his/her bib number. Find that rack and place their bike anywhere along that rack. Each rack accommodates six bikes – three on one side and three on the other side.
Participants will not be allowed to mount bikes inside the transition area. They will need to walk/run their bikes to the designated mount line. They will also be required to dismount prior to entering the transition area at the end of bike portion of the race.
5. What is body marking?
Prior to the race, each participant will need to have their race number written on their body (arms and legs) in black marker. Volunteers will be stationed near the transition area to do this. Please be sure your child gets body marked prior to the race start.
6. Can my child use water wings or other flotation devices for the swim?
No flotation devices of any kind are allowed.
7. Can I ride and run with my child?
No, in order to help ensure the safety of the athletes, we will not allow parents/family/friends to ride or run with their children. We will have numerous volunteers stationed throughout the course to direct athletes as well as Police officers to direct traffic along the bike course.
8. Can I help my child during the race?
No, parents/family/friends are welcome to help athletes set up their equipment in the transition area prior to the race start. However, once the race begins, athletes may not receive assistance except from race officials and volunteers.